Theater - directing, acting, music, etc.

I have been a part of the theater scene in Iceland for most of my life, in one way or another, and have been fortunate enough to work with some of the most talented artists in the country.

Here’s some of what I’ve done:

  • Suðurnesja Svakasýn, Leikfélag Keflavíkur, 2023 – director
  • Fíflið, Tjarnarbíó 2022 – actor, songwriter/composer, musician.
  • Gosi (Pinocchio), Borgarleikhúsið 2020 – actor, songwriter, musician. Awarded the Children’s Show of the Year at Gríman, the Icelandic theater awards.
  • Í skugga Sveins, Gaflaraleikhúsið 2018 – actor, songwriter, musician. Awarded the Children’s Show of the Year at Gríman, the Icelandic theater awards.
  • Góði dátinn Svejk og Hasek vinur hans, Gaflaraleikhúsið 2016 – actor, songwriter, musician.
  • Harmleikarnir, Flensborg 2016 – director, set designer, sound designer, writer of the script (based on a devised story by the cast).
  • Ubbi kóngur (Ubu Roi), Leikfélag Hafnarfjarðar 2015 – songwriter, music director, performer. This show has been taken to theater festivals in Austria, Monaco and the Czech Republic between 2016-2018.
  • Sweeney Todd, Leikfélag Hólmavíkur, 2015 – director, set designer, sound designer.
  • Blúndur og blásýra (Arsenic and Old Lace), Framhaldsskóli Austur-Skaftafellssýslu and Leikfélag Hornafjarðar, 2014 – director, set designer, sound designer.
  • Physical theater course, Framhaldsskóli Austur-Skaftafellssýslu.
  • Macbeth workshop. Final project in my studies at East 15 drama school. A physical theater exploration of William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, 2011.
  • Tempest – short piece, written for a festival at East 15 drama school, themed around William Shakespeare’s The Tempest – writer and director, 2011.
  • King Richard III, scene in a Shakespeare showcase at East 15 dama school, 2010.
  • Alice in Wonderland – Pig and pepper, scene adapted and produced for a student showcase at East 15. 2010.
  • 39 þrep (The 39 Steps), Leikfélag Akureyrar – dramaturg and translator), 2009
  • I’ve coached actors for drama school auditions.
  • I’ve taught stand-up comedy classes
  • I’ve taught physical theater classes, inspired by Gecko and Frantic Assembly, among others.