Character Profile: Puxie the Street Urchin
Puxie is a goblin street urchin, born and raised in the dark and dusty alleys of Markad City, among the warring gangs of goblins and humans. His father ran away when he was just a baby, to become a cowboy on the arid plains of eastern
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Copywriting I’ve been fortunate enough to travel the far reaches of the marketing milky way in my career as a copywriter. I’ve been a copywriter for CCP Games since 2022, having previously worked in advertising and marketing agencies in addition to creating a plethora of projects
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Dagskrárgerð I’ve created programs for TV, radio and the internet throughout the years, giving me a chance to collaborate with excellent talents, in terms of creativity and technology. Among the shows I’ve been involved with are: Tímaflakk – comedy series on Icelandic Radio 2 and later
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Creative Writing and Narrative Design I don’t tend to hesitate when it comes to putting pen to paper, and I’ve crafted myriad smaller and larger pieces. In addition, I’ve been a translator for 20 years. Here is a small sample of my work: Original work Ósagt,
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Dagskrárgerð Ég hef í gegnum tíðina fengist við dagskrárgerð í og með, bæði fyrir útvarp og sjónvarp. Þar hef ég fengið tækifæri til að vinna með frábæru fólki, bæði á sviði sköpunar og tækni, og hef notið góðs af. Meðal helstu þátta sem ég hef komið
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Markaðsstörf Ég hef verið svo heppinn að fara víða um stjörnuþokur markaðsfræðinnar á mínum ferli sem textasmiður og markaðssérfræðingur. Sem vörumerkjastjóri og yfirtextasmiður hjá Solid Clouds hannaði ég markaðsherferð fyrir hlutafjárútboð fyrirtækisins, þar sem eftirspurn fór þrefalt fram úr framboði. Þar notaðist ég við blöndu af
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